Strivr Portal release notes

April 2024

User management

  • IT Managers can now invite users to create their own Strivr Portal account in their tenant, and manage the list of active and invited account members that have access to their tenant.

    Learn more

    The Add New User command on the Manage Users page

  • Each user can be assigned one or more roles that defines their level of access to Portal features. See the complete list of role-based access controls and permissions available here

  • View user history, including when they were invited and by whom. Note: historical events are recorded starting January 2024 and onward.

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    User history page in the Strivr Portal

  • A new user profile allows you to see your own profile and which roles are assigned to you.

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    User profile in the Strivr Portal

Updated navigation menus

The navigation menus in the top bar of the Strivr Portal have been updated to include subheadings and more streamlined page names.

The Analytics menu in the Strivr Portal, showing new subheadings

Course catalog and content library updates

  • By default, these pages will now show courses and content of all statuses, sorted to show the most recently modified course or content at the top of the page. You can still use the search bar and page filters to easily find what you’re looking for.

  • Colorful course/content status badges are highly visible on each card, including in the dropdown menu when viewing all versions.

    Course status badges during the Deploy courses flow

  • Users can now choose to archive all versions of a course/piece of content at once using the new command in the three-dot menu.

    The new Archive all versions command on a course in the Course Catalog

  • In course details, module thumbnail images are now hidden. See examples of how course thumbnails show up in headsets here.

Pending files information on Device Details page

In the General Details section of a device’s details, a new Telemetry area shows how many telemetry (training results and other information) are pending on the device, along with the date range those files represent. Note that this feature is available only for headsets on Strivr Player version 3.20 and later.

Pending files information for a device

February 2024

Device history

On the Device Details page, you can view a chronological Device History of events and actions about an individual headset + the user that performed the action. This serves as a better way to self-manage your devices going forward. Click the three-dot button next to each device to access its history.

NOTE: Device History events are recorded starting from March 2023 and onward.

Device history for a headset

Learn more about device history

Content download progress

When a headset using Strivr Player version 3.19 or above is downloading a large amount of new content, you can see the download progress for each course on the Device Details page. Progress percentage will be updated periodically, roughly every 15 minutes, while the headset remains online.

  • More granular download statuses are displayed, including: Not started, Downloading, Finishing, Installed, Waiting for APK, and Queued for Removal.

  • When a course that is already installed on the headset is upgraded to a newer course version, you will be able to see the size of the new version.

Content download progress on the expanded Device Details page

Revision notes for courses now required

When a user publishes a draft course to start testing, they are now required to enter revision notes. Previously revision notes were optional.

Entering revision notes when publishing a draft course

Learn more about course status lifecycle

Assign devices location options

On the Assign Devices page, the option to select No Location is no longer available. This helps ensure all training data uploaded by headsets is associated with a specific location.

Telemetry status timestamp

On the Device Details page, the telemetry status timestamp has been temporarily removed due to devices reporting inconsistencies. Upcoming Strivr Player version 3.20 will include a permanent fix so devices can start reporting an accurate timestamp, at which point the timestamp will be restored to the UI for upgraded devices.