Understanding device details
Device details are broken down into several sections. For a complete list of all fields in Device Details, see the Device details field reference.
The results on the device details page display the asset tag, the location, connection status, content status, and telemetry status. To display more, click the down arrow to expand the device’s details.

Connection Status shows either Online or Offline, and gives the date and time that the device’s connection status last changed. A device displays Online within 15 minutes after it has been connected to Strivr via the Internet.
A device is considered Offline when it’s been disconnected for more than 30 minutes.

This field shows whether or not the content on a device is the newest available, and gives the date and time that the device’s content status last changed. If it is the latest, this field shows Installed; otherwise it shows Pending.
During a roll-out of new immersive training material, you’ll see the Content Status change from Installed to Pending. This will change back to Installed when the content has been downloaded.

Telemetry is the term Strivr uses for the results of training sessions before that data is processed in the cloud. Telemetry Status indicates whether or not all collected telemetry has been uploaded to the cloud from a headset, and when the telemetry status for the device last changed.
The Telemetry Status field shows Pending until all data has been transmitted. The status changes to Synced when all telemetry data has been successfully uploaded from the headset to the Strivr cloud.
This section gives information about the content installed on the device and about system storage.
Storage used tells you how much space is available for new training content.
You’ll also see a list of all courses on the device and information about each course. If the download status for a course reads Pending, there is a newer version available. Make sure to keep the device connected to receive the new content.
General details
This section includes basic information about the device.
Technical details
This section gives detailed information about the device. Note that depending on your level of access, you may not see all the fields shown here.