Strivr Player release notes

IMPORTANT: With Strivr Player 3.19, new versions of Strivr Player include an End of Support Date. See 3.19 release notes below for more details.

April 2024 version 3.20 (Full version: 3.20.24101.96)
End of Support date: 11/06/2024

Simplified logoff

This version of Strivr Player includes an update to the Log Off flow to expedite the process of uploading telemetry (training results and data). In previous versions of Player, upload would not begin until the user went through a series of button selections (log off, confirm, fill out and submit survey if enabled, select Done).

In version 3.20, the logoff confirmation and survey steps have been removed. Telemetry is now sent to Strivr after the user selects Log Off in the headset.

The Log Off command in the Strivr Home environment

Course ordering

In the main training menu in headsets, courses are now shown in alphabetical order by course name. Previously, there was no defined order.

The main training menu in Strivr Home, showing courses

Telemetry status updates

In the Telemetry Status field on the Device Details page in the Strivr Portal, newly provisioned headsets (on which no training has yet occurred) will now report their telemetry status as Synced. Previously, these headsets displayed Pending, which was confusing because no telemetry files were pending.

The telemetry status field in Device Details

When telemetry status is Pending, meaning that there are files on the device waiting to be uploaded, the following information will be passed to Strivr Portal:

  1. How many files are pending

  2. Of the pending files, the timestamp of the oldest telemetry file

  3. Of the pending files, the timestamp of the newest telemetry file

  4. The timestamp of the last time a telemetry file upload completed successfully

Learn about checking for pending telemetry files in the headset in About the Facilitator user type.

End of support update

New versions of Strivr Player now have a support lifespan of 210 days. Previously, the lifespan was 180 days. To learn more about Strivr Player version support, see the release notes for Strivr Player 3.19.

Bug fix: Content update timestamp

When content was updated on a given headset, Strivr was not correctly reporting to the portal the timestamp when this occurred. This has been resolved and we now correctly report the timestamp of a successful content update.

Bug fix: Already registered headsets

If a user tried to register a headset that had already been registered, Strivr Player could become corrupted. This issue has been resolved.

Learn more about registering headsets

March 2024 Hotfix version 3.19 (Full version 3.19.24077.91)

End of Support date: 10/13/2024

Bug fixes and stability improvements

  • This version of Strivr Player fixes an issue where the content status could get stuck in a state of “Pending” in some cases. When this occurs, content downloads could get stuck and the headset would not be able to display the correct courses in-headset. This issue has now been fixed and content downloads will no longer get stuck for any reason.

  • This version of Strivr Player improves how we determine a device’s telemetry state. A newly provisioned headset will now report its telemetry status as “Synced” instead of “Pending”. A status of “Synced” makes more sense because “Pending” could make it seem like there was telemetry waiting to be uploaded which would not be the case with a newly provisioned device.

  • This version of Strivr Player fixes an issue where Player could get into a corrupted state if you tried to register a headset that had already been registered successfully. This issue has been resolved and now Player will not get into a corrupted state if you try to register a headset that was already registered. This also resolves an issue where the registration screen would be visible following provisioning.

  • This version of Strivr Player fixes an issue where the timestamp at which content was recently updated was not being reported to the Strivr Portal correctly. This has been resolved and we now correctly report the timestamp of a successful content update.

February 2024 version 3.19 (Full version 3.19.24046.88)

End of Support date: 08/13/2024

Content download progress

This version of Strivr Player includes a new feature that provides more visibility into the download status of content. The Course List screen (accessible via the Facilitator flow) now shows near real-time data around content download status. These statuses include whether a course is pending download, currently downloading, or has finished downloading. When a course is downloading, a progress bar shows how much of the course has been downloaded, the total size of the course, and the current download bitrate.

The Course List screen in Strivr Player, showing a course downloading

Unsupported Player Version Messaging

Users will now be notified when their version of Strivr Player is unsupported—a message will appear on the Manage Headset screen, accessible via the Facilitator flow. If issues or bugs arise with an unsupported version of Strivr Player, updating to a newer version will be the recommendation. A Strivr Player version will be considered unsupported 180 days after that version’s release. An unsupported Strivr Player version will continue to function, but will not receive the same level of support as supported versions.

The Manage Headset screen in Strivr Player, showing the Unsupported Player Version message

Improved content download speeds

Strivr’s content download functionality has been improved. Users will experience faster download speeds and concurrent content downloads.

Bug fix: Customer logo

In the case that a headset was updating from a version of Strivr Player that does not support addition of a customer logo to Strivr Home to a version that does support it, it was required that Strivr Player be updated before receiving a Player Settings file that enabled this feature. If a Player Settings file was pushed to the device before updating Strivr Player, the logo would not show up in Strivr Home until another new Player Settings file was pushed to the device. This issue has been fixed and now the Player Settings file can be pushed to the device prior to the Strivr Player version update.

Bug fix: Stitching issue

This version of Strivr Player includes a bug fix that addresses a stitching issue that was visible for 360 videos. This visual artifact was the result of the video rendering library we use and it would cause some 360 videos to display lines where the video was stitched together. This issue has been resolved and now video stitching should look smooth.

Before bug fix

After bug fix

Version 3.6 Hotfix (Full version 3.6.23300.61)

Communication to Strivr services

This version of Strivr Player includes a bug fix that addresses a critical issue around an Android OS resource limitation which prevented cloud updates and general communication to Strivr services. This hotfix resolves this issue and will fix any headsets currently affected by this issue as well as prevent this issue from occurring on any devices in the future.

Learner position orientation

This version of Strivr Player includes a bug fix that addresses an issue where the learner position and rotation could end up in an incorrect state in certain scenarios where the headset was physically moved while the activity was paused. This issue has been fixed and now the learner position and rotation will always be oriented correctly after pausing during an activity.

Bug Fix: Empty Strivr Home environment during transition

This version of Strivr Player includes a bug fix that addresses an issue where an empty learner environment would show briefly while moving between experiences. This issue has been fixed; there is now a seamless transition between experiences and the environment is not shown to the user during this transition period.