
Events are interactive elements within a training experience—learners must complete them before moving on. in Strivr Creator, available Events to add are in the Event bar at the top of the screen. Click an event name in the table below for detailed information about an event, including guidance on when to select each type of event.

Scene hunt Designates multiple hidden “hotspot” areas within the video, challenging the learner to find them all before time expires. Highlighted areas are denoted by a marker with an attached transparent circle. The circle size can be manipulated to encompass the designated area. Highlighted areas cannot overlap. Note that the highlight is flat, not three-dimensional.
Scene Exploration Places multiple floating markers anywhere within a clip, allowing the learner to obtain more information about the area/objects when selected. When selected, each marker contains an attached overlay. Learners must view all markers within the scene before they can move on.
Overlay Place an overlay box that must have a title and can contain text and/or an image. Learners read the Overlay and then dismiss it by clicking Okay to continue the experience.
Multiple Choice Question Presents the learner with a text-based question with up to five answer choices. Only one correct answer may be selected. Audio feedback may be attached to each answer choice.
Marker question Places up to five floating markers within a clip to point to a designated area as an answer choice. An attached small (title only) overlay allows a text-based question. You can choose to set a destination clip that will be presented next when a marker is chosen.
Marker Points out a spatial area in the scene with an overlay above that space to provide information about it. The learner must dismiss the Marker by clicking Okay to continue the experience.
Branching Choice Presents the learner with a multiple choice question. The answer they select determines what video is shown next. For example, the correct answer might take them to the next video with new information, while two incorrect answers take them to a review video. It’s important to select destination videos for all answers—answers that don’t have destination videos will cause the experience to end when they are selected.
Sound Adds audio feedback, traditionally presented by a “phantom” voice (narrator). Can appear at any time throughout the experience or be attached to another Event.
Hotspot Defines areas in the environment that track how long a learner looks at them. Highlighted areas are not visible to learners during training. This event is used purely for data collection and analysis.