Multiple Choice Question

A Multiple Choice Question is a type of event you can add to an Immersive training experience in Strivr Creator. Multiple Choice Questions are windows that pop up in the experience and ask questions with up to 5 text-based answers. The learner must select an answer to continue.

When should I use a Multiple Choice Question?

Because a Multiple Choice Question is meant to test the learner’s knowledge, you should generally use Multiple Choice Questions for assessments. They work well for both looping or non-looping videos.

How to add a Multiple Choice Question

  1. In the left-hand panel, select a video to which you would like to add a Multiple Choice Question.

  2. In the Event bar at the top of the screen, click the Multiple Choice icon.

  3. A new Multiple Choice event will appear in the Tree view.

  4. Select a location in the video preview to place your question.

  5. Click the new Multiple Choice event in the Tree view and rename it with a unique name.

How to edit the properties of a Multiple Choice Question

Select a Multiple Choice event in the Tree view and its details appear in the Properties panel on the right.

Question Text

Enter your question here.

Question Audio

You can add an external audio file to the question (for example, audio that reads the question aloud). The question audio file will play automatically when the question appears.


When redo-able is enabled, the learner receives an indication of whether the answer they selected is right or wrong. If wrong, the question immediately repeats until the learner selects the correct answer. Only the first answer will be recorded in scoring. Strivr recommends that if you set a multiple choice question to be re-doable, you should also turn “randomized” setting off.

Note: When redo-able is enabled, you may not choose the Complete answer feedback style.


When Randomized is set to On, the answers to this question are presented in random order, different every time.


Scored questions count toward the learner's total score for the experience. If you set the Scored toggle to On, you can then enter a score. Strivr recommends using 1 point per question as the default score.

Answer Feedback Style

Feedback style allows you to choose whether or not the right answer should be revealed to the trainee after the question.

Complete Feedback: Indicates to the learner whether the answer selected is right or wrong. If wrong, indicates which answer is the correct solution.

Partial Feedback: Indicates to the learner whether the answer selected is right or wrong. If wrong, does not indicate which answer is the correct solution.

No Feedback: Does not indicate to the learner whether the answer selected is right or wrong. Does not indicate which answer is the correct solution.

Start Time/Buffer Time

If your Multiple Choice event is in a non-looping video, adjust the start time to match the time in the video you would like it to appear. If your event is in a looping video, instead of start time you set a buffer time when this event will occur after the previous event.


To move a question quickly, just click and drag it to the new location in the video preview.

You can also specify exact coordinates for the question.

How to add Answers

Add answers by clicking +Add in the Tree view. You may add up to five answers. Double-click an answer to edit its title. Then edit its details in the Properties panel.

How to edit answer properties

Click an answer in the Tree view to show its details in the Properties panel.

Answer Text

This is the text of the answer. To choose which answer is correct, set the Correct slider for that answer to On.

Answer Audio Feedback

You can add an external audio file to the answer (for example, audio that reads the answer aloud.) The answer audio file will play automatically when a selection is made.

NOTE: You should always add an answer overlay for answers that contain audio feedback, to accommodate for the fact that closed captions cannot be added to answer audio feedback.

Answer Overlay Feedback

You may add an Overlay to each of your answers. The Overlay will display after that answer is selected by the trainee. Answer Overlays are usually used to teach the learner why their selected answer was wrong or right prior to making the learner answer the question again or move on. Like other overlays, you can choose to add an image and audio. Images should be JPG or PNG, 800px x 600px at 72dpi. Images are resized to the maximum dimensions—make sure to use a 4:3 aspect ratio image (the ratio of width to height is 4 to 3).

Learning Concepts

You may tag each of your answers to a learning concept. Learning concepts group high-level learning categories across experiences and courses.

How to delete a Multiple Choice Question

Select a Multiple Choice event in the Tree view.

Right-click it and select Delete.