Branching Choice

A Branching Choice is a type of event you can add to an Immersive training experience in Strivr Creator. It presents the learner with a multiple choice question. The answer they select determines what video is shown next. For example, the correct answer might take them to the next video with new information, while two incorrect answers take them to a review video. It’s important to select destination videos for all answers—answers that don’t have destination videos will cause the experience to end when they are selected.

When should I use a Branching Choice?

Use a Branching Choice when you want to show a video according to a learner selection. Branching Choices work well with looping or non-looping videos.

How to add a Branching Choice

  1. In the Tree view, select a video to which you would like to add a Branching Choice.

  2. In the Event bar at the top of the screen. click the Branching Choice icon.

  3. A new Branching Choice event will appear in the Tree view.

  4. Select a location in the video preview to place your question.

  5. Double-click the new Branching Choice event in the Tree view and rename it.

How to edit the properties of a Branching Choice

Select a Branching Choice event in the Tree view and its properties appear in the properties panel on the right.

Answer Feedback Style

Feedback style allows you to choose whether the right answer should be revealed to the learner after the question or not.

Complete Feedback: Indicates to the learner whether the answer selected is right or wrong. If wrong, indicates which answer is the correct solution.

Partial Feedback: Indicates to the learner whether the answer selected is right or wrong. If wrong, does not indicate which answer is the correct solution.

No Feedback: Does not indicate to the learner whether the answer selected is right or wrong. Does not indicate which answer is the correct solution.

Question Text

Enter your question here.


Scored questions count toward the learner's total score for the experience. Set the Scored toggle to the On position to enter a score.

Start Time/Buffer Time

If your Branching Choice event is in a non-looping video, adjust the start time to match the time in the video you would like it to appear. If your event is in a looping video, the start time is the buffer time when this event will occur after the previous event.


To move a question quickly, just click and drag it to the new location in the video preview. You can also specify exact coordinates for the question.

Adding Choices

Add choices by clicking +Add in the Tree view. Then highlight each choice to edit its text and properties. You may add up to five answers. To choose which choice is correct, move the Correct toggle to the On position for that answer. To delete a choice, right-click it in the Tree view and select Delete.

How to edit the properties of a Choice

Select a choice in the Tree view and its properties are displayed in the Properties panel on the right.

Answer Text

The text that will be displayed for this choice.

Destination Clip

The Destination Clip is the video the learner will see next if they click a marker. Note that any choice without a destination clip will end the experience when chosen by the learner.

Learning Concepts

You may tag each of your choices to a learning concept. Learning concepts group high-level learning categories across experiences and courses.

How to delete a Branching Choice

  1. Select a Branching Choice event in the Tree view (it will be highlighted.)

  2. Right-click it and select Delete.