Understanding usage reporting
The Analytics section of the Strivr Portal includes information about both complete and incomplete training sessions. A complete session is one where the learner logs in, finishes at least one experience, and then logs out. Logging out triggers the headset to send session data to the Strivr Portal.
What if a learner does not log out?
If a learner starts training and does not finish, and does not log out, that incomplete session is reported to the Strivr Portal the next time any learner picks up the headset to train.
If the learner starts and finishes training, and does not log out, that completed session is reported to the Strivr Portal the next time any learner picks up the headset to train.
Information on graphs and tables on Analytics pages (Analytics Overview, Analyze by Course, Analyze by Learner) reflects the date upon which training occurred, no matter when the session was uploaded.
Analytics pages reflect the date upon which training occurred
Weekly learner record reports, downloadable from the Weekly Records page of the Analytics section, show the date upon which the training data was uploaded to the Strivr Portal.
Weekly Learner Records reports reflect the date a session was uploaded