Service time thresholds

NOTE: This article applies only to headsets provisioned by Strivr. Please work with your third-party provisioning partner for specific service thresholds.

During the headset provisioning process, Strivr adheres to the following service thresholds for provisioning devices:

Maximum Enrollment Duration

Strivr will wait for a maximum duration of 15 minutes per headset for the success log file (Enrollment_success.log) to be available before deeming the enrollment as successful. (Refer to the “Enrollment Success Logging and Shipping” section of MDM setup for information on logging.) Beyond this threshold, the enrollment for that device will be deemed as a failure.

Failure Threshold

Because enrollment failures can often stem from issues with network connectivity or reliability of the customer’s WSO (Workspace ONE) environment, Strivr will deem the overall enrollment process a failure if more than 5% of the total number of devices to be provisioned cross the 4-minute threshold mentioned above. Strivr will contact the customer in the event of an enrollment failure to report enrollment issues for further discussion and potential root cause troubleshooting.

Special Requirements for Provisioning

If the customer has specific requirements that may significantly increase the time and complexity of the enrollment process, such as turning off ADB, Strivr recommends the customer inform the Strivr operations team to plan and align on such activities well in advance. Such activities will be evaluated and considered as added scope to the standard provisioning process and thus will be agreed upon in a Statement of Work (SoW).